Revolutionize your Hearing and your Lifestyle with Hearing Aids
Stay healthy and active | Be a full participant in social activities | Enjoy every day

The Evolution of Hearing Aids
Hearing aids have been revolutionized as much as microchips have changed computer and phone technology. In reality, hearing aids are closely related to high-performance computers.

Hearing Aids Are Almost Invisible
Some are the size of a coffee bean. Older hearing aids only augmented the sound for hearing-impaired people.
Now, because of technological advances, hearing aids can heighten voices and reduce background noise. Imagine enjoying restaurant dinners again.
Hearing aids can also be programmed to adapt to your current environment automatically and in real-time.
And different customized programs can be created to address your personal hearing needs.
Hearing Aid Features You Can Count On
1. Noise Reduction
2. Directional Microphone
3. Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries
4. Number of Channels
5. Open Fit
6. Direct Sound Streaming with Smart Phone
Professional, Complete Hearing Evaluation | 60-Day Risk Free Trial | 3-Year Warranty
Hearing Aid Styles & Sizes
You want the best hearing aid for your lifestyle, your needs, and your budget. Consider these questions as you begin to think about a hearing aid style.
1. Your level of hearing loss - is it mild, moderate, severe, or profound?
2. Your lifestyle - do you engage in large group discussions, eat out in restaurants, or attend a small group with intimate conversation?
3. Your personal style - some people care whether a hearing aid is visible or invisible.
4. Comfort - are you someone who is distracted by your level of comfort?
5. Other influencing medical conditions- do you struggle with other conditions that impact your hearing?
6. Price - you have to work within a pre-defined budget
7. Your dexterity and vision - some hearing aids are easier to manage and insert in your ears
Alpha Hearing offers several styles of hearing aids to suit your needs, lifestyle, and budget.
BTE Hearing Aids or Behind the Ear Hearing Aids
ITE Hearing Aids or In the Ear Hearing Aids
BTE (Behind The Ear) Hearing Aids
BTE’s are the most common hearing aid and are effective to help with mild to severe hearing loss. They range in size and power – some are as small as a coffee bean. A customized sound tube molds to your ear while the receiver is in your ear canal.
1. A larger battery means longer battery life
2. Bigger size offers more hearing aid features
3. Can be quickly fitted (sometimes in a day)
4. Most noticeable of hearing aid styles
5. Size can vary depending on your performance preferences
6. Rechargeable battery feature
ITE (In The Ear) Hearing Aids
Virtually invisible, In the Ear Hearing Aids fit directly inside your ear canal. Best suited for mild to moderate hearing loss. The shape of your ear canal also influences whether you can wear one of these devices. Alpha Hearing Centre provides a comprehensive assessment to ensure proper selection and accurate fit of your hearing device.
ITEs come in several versions. All are custom fitted. Based on your specific needs, we will recommend the model that you are best suited for. You can select from:
1. IIC – Invisible-In-Canal Aids – This aid rests in your ear canal where they cannot be seen.
2. CIC – Completely-In-Canal – A small removal handle shows just outside your ear canal. It’s barely visible
3. ITC – In-The-Canal – This custom fit hearing aid fits in the ear canal and shows a small portion in your outer ear.
4. ITE – In-The-Ear: Full Shell or Half Shell – This hearing aid fits in the outer portion of the ear.
Ready to discuss the different benefits and features of each device?
Book an appointment to get fitted for a hearing aid.
The level of hearing aid technology offers different features. Your audiologist will help you identify your needs, where you land in your lifestyle choices and what each hearing aid can do for you.
The premium level gives you every feature available in hearing aids.
- Adaptive noise reduction in the most challenging situations
- Active lifestyle features
- Ultra HD music listening
- Large group interactions and active listening from any direction
- Small group discussions
- Clear phone calls
- Comfortable conversations in quite environments
- Watch TV
- Active Lifestyle features
- HD music Listening
- Large group interactions and active listening from any direction
- Small group discussions
- Clear phone calls
- Comfortable conversations in quite environments
- Watch TV
- Small group discussions
- Clear phone calls
- Comfortable conversations in quite environments
- Watch TV
- Comfortable conversations in quite environments
- Watch TV
Hearing Aid Manufacturers
You can choose from a wide variety of hearing aid manufacturers with extensive years of experience in the audiology industry, reliable products, and best-in-class support including:
- Signia
- Sonova (Phonak and Unitron)
- Oticon
- Starkey
- Widex
Book now for a hearing assessment, to get more information, or to get fitted with a hearing aid